About Us: The Meh Team

We are a group of friends dedicated to Meh and other awesome things, like Beethoven and writing stories about the Meh Team's adventures. We hope that you'll join the Meh Society and enjoy reading our story The Chronicles of Meh. If you want to get involved with sharing your artwork, videos and writing for the Chronicles of Meh, just make an account, go to the Meh Meetings and get involved! But before that, a word from the administrators:


Welcome to the Meh Society! Beethoven's the best, so get uploading Beethoven videos! Also, as an editor of the Chronicles of Meh, I'd strongly encourage those who like creative writing to apply for a place in writing the Chronicles of Meh. Be motivated by meh-coins! I enjoy being the CFO of the MehSoc, and I give away meh-coins (or deduct them...) if I feel it is the right course of action. If you have any inquiries about classical music, then feel free to contact me! Do NOT feel free to contact me about any other type of music (find somebody else, sorry). We also appreciate that you cannot simply spend all of your time on MehSoc without paying attention to school work (unforunately). But don't worry! We currently have a Students' Page, which is a work in progress. If you could help us with that, please email one of the admins!


Good day there! I am a writer for the Chronicles of Meh, the owner of the MehSoc studio on Scratch and stuff like that. Anyway, the MehSociety is a place to message your friends, share your pics and relax. The Chronicles of Meh are updated weekly and the chatboxes are always free to use. You can become a writer for The Chronicles of Meh and (if you try hard for it) you could become an admin. By the way, if you want to check us out on Scratch then our user names are mehcat19 and PawProductions. There is also a studio on Scratch called The Meh Society which we use as a way to show people on Scratch The Chronicles of Meh and give them some encouragement to join the Meh Society.
The Meh Society

The Meh Society


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